Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The idea

I have made an attempt to capture the essence of the fothcoming articles in this blog in the title of the blog ' Informed Idiots'. Well, the first question to be answered at this point is who are these informed idiots. From my observtion of life and life forms, especially humans, I have reached a reasonable conclusion that all humans could be categorized under this title. Yes I mean it and I mean to include even the Nobel Laurates, the Professors, Philosophers, the successful businessman, the shepard, the painter, the carpenter, the hoooligan in the corner, the lyricist, the average man, the all prevading politician and not the least yours truly. A description of the concept would make it clear and hopefully help me escape any blame for being a foot in the mouth stupid. The concept is rooted in the Herbert Simon's ' Bounded rationality', where he explained the complexity and uncertainty dimensions and observed that it is impossible to have perfect and complete information at any given time to make a decision. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1978 "for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations". Now my own observations of human behaviour ( within or without organization structure) seem to go along with Simons observations. Thus this blog tries to capture all human actions and thoughts in terms of revealing the bias that went into such actions and thoughts despite the rational explanations for them.
A refining of this objective would follow soon

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